
My Butt Activates Time Warp

Get out of bed; quickly freshen up
Eat a banana in front of the microwave; glance at the clock
Nine thirty in the morning; wave goodbye to the cats
Walk to the garage; open the car door
My butt touches the car seat and ...............
Suddenly, I am at the workplace

Turn off the engine; get out of the car
Walk across the parking lot; take the elevator up
Scan my badge; glance at the clock
Ten in the morning; say hello to colleagues
My butt touches the lab chair and ................
Suddenly, it is six thirty in the evening

Pack my bag; turn off the computer
Admire the sunset; say goodbye to colleagues
Take the elevator down; walk across the parking lot
Unlock the car door; get in the car
My butt touches the car seat and ................
Suddenly, I am back at home

Hug the cats hello; take a shower
Heat up dinner; glance at the clock
Eight in the evening; give the cats their food
Devour dinner; switch on the TV
My butt touches the couch and ....................
Suddenly, it is past midnight

Turn off the TV; walk up the stairs
Brush my teeth; wash my face
Turn down the covers; fluff the pillows
Kiss the cats goodnight; prepare self for sweet dreams
My butt touches the mattress and ...................
Suddenly, it is eight thirty in the morning once again

Just like watching a DVD; hit the fast forward button
Stand in the kitchen; glance at the calendar
Today is Monday it says; carpe diem seize the day
Uncap a pen; open the planner
My butt touches the chair and ........................
Suddenly, it is Friday again

1 comment:

  1. WAKaKakaKA.... likes this!!!
    same old same old.. kayaknya kita butuh perubahan yah merl xD
    tapii... enjoy aja deh sm rutinitas yang sekarang, hihi..
