
When Techno Nerds Met Science Geeks

A funny thing happened at the lunch room the other day
For those who don't know me yet, I work at a medical research center
Often, topic of conversation during lunch would revolve around nutrition (nutrients, diet, etc), health, cancer, mechanisms for cell signalling (yeech! even this will put me to sleep) and such like
No gossips about who is dating/sleeping with whom, no talks about movies, none whatsoever on the latest fashion (as long as you don't come to work naked, all is good)
Most of the time, almost 100% Science Geeks (SG) topics

The other day, we were talking about the so-called Super Fruits
Usually this type of fruits contains high amounts of vitamins and antioxidants
Basically, the premise is such that the more you eat them, the better your health 
And so we believe, even though we don't know how long + how much to eat before we see a health benefit

The conversation went like this:
SG1: I am SO done with drinking vitamins in capsule forms. Too much chemicals in it. Best to get the nutrients naturally from food.
SG2: True, true...we have to start eating less meat but more fruits and vege. SO much vitamins in fruits and vege, you'll get all the antioxidants you need.
SG3: I agree. Especially, blueberry.....wow...so high in antioxidants. All you need is a handful every day. Blueberry is the most fantastic!!!
SG1: Really? Blueberry? That is SO last 2 years ago! The best one is blackberyy! Not strawberry, not blueberry......but......BLACKBERRY, simply THE BEST!!!

At this point, 2 other colleagues walked into the lunch room and joined our table.
Colleague 1: I agree with you! Blackberry is definitely the BEST!
Colleague 2: YES! Everyone should have some especially if you are in this field. How can you not have it?

Colleague 1: All the research and reviews have shown that blackberry is the best thing ever
SG1 (looking smug): See, see....what did I tell you?! Blackberry is HOT!!
SG3 (skeptical): Really? I think that is too early to say.
Colleague 2: NO, NO......so much research has been done and consistently report good things.
Colleague 1: Yes! All the reviews, write-ups....SO MANY, more than enough evidence.....what have you guys been reading? How can you not believe blackberry is THE thing to have???
SG3: OK....so what journals have YOU guys been reading?
Colleague 1 and 2: Consumer Reports, Wired Magazine, GearLog, Tomorrows Technology Today.....
SG3: Why would these kinds of magazines do a write up about a fruit?
Colleague 1 and 2: Fruit?? What fruit? I am talking about the handphone...you know, Blackberry??

SG1, 2, 3 (in unison): WHAT THE HELL, man???

And so, that was what happened when Techno Nerds met Science Geeks......
Just like a Duck talking to a Chicken............


  1. wakakakaka... lols...
    ngakak gwa bacanyaaaa
    begini ni kalo ngomong sama madscientist:P

  2. LoooLLssss....
    numpang ngakak, MERLLL...!!! hahaha.. xD

  3. Mari, mari.....ngakak bersama2.......HUAHAHAHAHA.........;D
